Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pre-Ranch Breakfast

So I got the word from My Rancher that the hog and lambs are ready. He's going to give me a boatload of organs and other yummy stuff nobody else wants to make up for the butcher curing my bacon and hams and seasoning the ground pork. Be nice to ranchers and farmers and they'll be nice to you.

Back before I'd first bedded my Farmer's Market Girlfriend I would show up at her stand every week. Even though I didn't buy a ton of stuff, I was consistently there. She noticed and her initial way of saying thanks was to give me overripe tomatoes no one else wanted. Then she started giving me extra large servings of leaf lettuce I'd buy from her. Then she started giving me all kinds of good stuff and things not appropriate for me to go into detail about on a public forum.

To make sure my loins are properly girded for my trip to the ranch, I've made a huge eggy mess with mushrooms and fontina cheese. I don't usually eat so many mushrooms, but She Say went to see Julia y Julie with her mamacita and there must've been a lot of mushrooms in the movie, because she keeps bringing them home from the nightmarish grocery stores. They don't taste very good. They're the plain white button ones. They have a pretty good texture though.

The pic shows 5 eggs, about 6 oz of mushrooms and about a 1/4 cup of fontina cheese. Usually I eat 6 eggs, but having to egg-wash the squash blossoms a couple nights ago has put my egg count way out of whack.

I'm off to the ranch, basically feeling like a girl that goes to school who is giddy and little.

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